
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Water Is A Weight Loss Aid

Water,water and weight loss,weight loss motivation,weight loss images,weight loss motivation images


  1. To anyone who has left a comment on this page and can't find it, I'm sorry, today October 8th 2011 I accidently deleted all my comments...whoops! I thought I was emptying an inbox for comments only to find out I that I deleted all comments from my entire website. Lesson learned...luckily since this is quite a new blog there were not too many comments. If you feel moved to repost your comment please do. I promise to be really certain in the future about what I'm deleting before clicking the 'delete' button.

  2. I buy cases of the 1.5L bottles from BJ's which I drink 1 of them at work each day. I usually have two cups in the am when I wake and two cups before bed.

    I didnt realize until recently how I have forgotten to drink water. So crazy, I used to go an entire day without any at all. I help myself by flooding my house with cases of water of all sizes. When I go out I walk around with a 1.5L bottle.

    If I go a day without water now. My body reacts with headaches, joint pain and other issues.

    Water is so important.

  3. Very informative! I will read it again and again when I will get leisure time.
    free weights

  4. I find it motivational to read other people’s success stories on the journey to achieving my own weight loss and health goals. I know losing it is state of mind that you have to get yourself into before you can really start doing it.
